Ta bom- first off transfers is tomorrow. And it is for certain, I am getting transferred. Don't know where and with whom I will be serving.
Second off I wanted to share a few miracles in the life of Sister P
1- When I first came here we taught a less active member and I remember not understanding her, and she didn't understand me. But the other day I sat with her and and had about a 1/2 hour conversation with her and we understood each other. The language is getting so much better. And she is preparing to go to the temple! Love her so much! She barely has enough money to take the bus to church but she is there every Sunday and I love listening to her pray because she is really talking to God.
2- Fabiano and Tais. So Fabiano was that psycho guy that has been in prison several times and killed someone. He also gave us the reference of his girlfriend. Well their whole story is really random but so cool. Fabiano is on the road to repentance. He talked to the bishop got a blessing and will talk to the stake president . He will have to spend 12 years in prison and get the signature of pres Monson before he can be baptized but he is starting to make that journey. Tais is his girlfriend. When I asked her how she felt about her baptismal date she said she was only feeling happiness! Her baptism will be next month and I hope the elders that end up here will finish teaching her and baptize her!! Thanks for all your prayers in her behalf.
3- This miracle is random too. Mom gave me a talk to read called the dormant spirit by Enzio Busche. And she gave it to me several years ago and I have always kept it in a stack of things to read but never read it. While packing for the mission I saw it on my desk and thought what the heck, and threw it in the suitcase but never touched it until last week. Last week I was having a really hard time, I was struggling with some things and I was really angry. For two days I was like a little dark rain cloud. My Portuguese plummeted I wasn't understanding anything and I wasn't speaking very well. Randomly I decided to read this talk. And it was just what I needed. It talked about awaking the dormant spirit that we all have; the gift of the spirit. Our main goal is to always be striving to feel the spirit--always. When we feel the spirit we are happy and we feel the light of Christ in our lives and we feel that happiness and joy and peace that the spirit brings. There were several things that stuck out to me that when the spirit leaves us it is because we don't have a desire to repent or a desire to forgive. And it was just that. I had no desire whatsoever to forgive. But, when I read that and starting repenting and trying to forgive, it was like light was touching all the dark places in my soul that hadn't seen the light of day for a while. All that annoyance and anger that had built up these past months left and I started feeling the spirit again. My Portuguese came back or rather the gift of tongues came back. And I am happy. So thanks mom for giving me that talk forever ago. I read it right when I needed it most.
I included some pictures of the street kids, Arnoldo and Stellita, and I cant remember what the other one I attached. But sure love you all!
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